## robots.txt for Magento Community and Enterprise ## GENERAL SETTINGS ## Enable robots.txt rules for all crawlers User-agent: * ## Magento sitemap: uncomment and replace the URL to your Magento sitemap file Sitemap: https://firstbtq.com/sitemap.xml ## DEVELOPMENT RELATED SETTINGS ## Do not crawl development files and folders: CVS, svn directories and dump files Disallow: /CVS Disallow: /*.svn$ Disallow: /*.idea$ Disallow: /*.sql$ Disallow: /*.tgz$ ## GENERAL MAGENTO SETTINGS ## Do not crawl Magento admin page Disallow: /admin/ ## Do not crawl common Magento technical folders Disallow: /app/ Disallow: /downloader/ Disallow: /errors/ Disallow: /includes/ Disallow: /lib/ Disallow: /pkginfo/ Disallow: /shell/ Disallow: /var/ Disallow: /dev/ ## Do not crawl common Magento files Disallow: /api.php Disallow: /cron.php Disallow: /cron.sh Disallow: /error_log Disallow: /get.php Disallow: /install.php Disallow: /LICENSE.html Disallow: /LICENSE.txt Disallow: /LICENSE_AFL.txt Disallow: /README.txt Disallow: /RELEASE_NOTES.txt ## MAGENTO SEO IMPROVEMENTS ## Do not crawl sub category pages that are sorted or filtered. Disallow: /*?dir* Disallow: /*?dir=desc Disallow: /*?dir=asc Disallow: /*?limit=all Disallow: /*?mode* ## Do not crawl 2-nd home page copy (example.com/index.php/). Uncomment it only if you activated Magento SEO URLs. ## Disallow: /index.php/ ## Do not crawl links with session IDs Disallow: /*?SID= ## Do not crawl checkout and user account pages Disallow: /checkout/ Disallow: /onestepcheckout/ Disallow: */customer/* Disallow: */customer/account/* Disallow: */customer/account/login/* ## Do not crawl seach pages and not-SEO optimized catalog links Disallow: /catalogsearch/ Disallow: /catalog/product_compare/ Disallow: /catalog/category/view/ Disallow: /catalog/product/view/ Disallow: */show/* Disallow: */size-cloth-in/* Disallow: */color/* Disallow: */sort-by/* Disallow: */size-shoe-in/* Disallow: /*?*___from_store= Disallow: /*?*___store ## SERVER SETTINGS ## Do not crawl common server technical folders and files Disallow: /cgi-bin/ Disallow: /cleanup.php Disallow: /apc.php Disallow: /memcache.php Disallow: /phpinfo.php Disallow: /lib/ Disallow: /*.php$ Disallow: /pkginfo/ Disallow: /report/ Disallow: /var/ Disallow: /catalog/ Disallow: /customer/ Disallow: /sendfriend/ Disallow: /review/ Disallow: /*SID= Disallow: /checkout/ Disallow: /onestepcheckout/ Disallow: /customer/ Disallow: /customer/account/ Disallow: /customer/account/login/ Disallow: /*?*siteID= Disallow: /*?*isNew= Disallow: /*?*new_week= Disallow: /*?*designer= Disallow: /*?*manufacturer= Disallow: /*?*at98_taglia= Disallow: /*?*size_harmonized= Disallow: /*?*price= Disallow: /*?*new_day= Disallow: /*?*color= Disallow: /*?*main_colors= Disallow: /*?*color_pattern= Disallow: /*?*limit= Disallow: /*?*order= Disallow: /*?*allproducts= Disallow: /*?*new-season= Disallow: /*?*category= Disallow: /*?*dir= Disallow: /*?*dsefu= Disallow: /*?*productid= Disallow: /*?*SID= Disallow: /*?*lpage= Disallow: /*?*page= Disallow: /*?*manufacturerid= Disallow: /*?*mc= Disallow: /*?*redirect= Disallow: /*?*bl= Disallow: /*?*pageid= Disallow: /*?*t= Disallow: /*?*action= Disallow: /*?*queryFromSuggest= Disallow: /*?*source= Disallow: /*?*section= Disallow: /*.php$ Disallow: /*?SID= Disallow: /*?*p= Disallow: /*?*product_list_order=